Longing to Be Loved

Dr. C. S. Lovett wrote a book by that title many years ago, it has somehow disappeared from my library.

The essence of God is love, not a quality or characteristic but His whole being. Thus He gives love naturally and purely of Himself. His creation of man was to breathe Himself into this creature but man must be capable of love, like his creator.

The underlying truth is man must offer his love to God of His own free will. That’s the only way it is deemed genuine. You see, God longs to be loved, just as we do.

When He gave His Son for our sins, “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son….”, John 3:16. That is what a loving true God would do. When we are saved, born again, that love enters us and enables us to love God and others in a new and real way.

Obedience is tied to love, as is faith and honesty. Sin created a wedge of separation in this love but Jesus fixed it on the cross.

Now, the intention still remains that God longs to be loved by His children. Prayers, praise, desire, carrying out His will and pursuit of His word are divine expressions.

As a parent, nothing gladdens my heart more than hearing,” I love you Dad.” That affection, attention, acknowledgment and adoration is what the Father wants. In so doing, we bless Him and He continues to bless us.

All we do is motivated by love and not fear. I reread the love (agape) chapter, 1 Corinthians 13 again and it grabbed me with the phrase, “now I see…”, so I see clearly the potential to love, even if no love is returned.

To love, whether someone is good or bad. To love in any circumstance is Christlike and God ordained. We are all longing to be loved, even God.

Pastor Larry
-Bro. Larry

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